Écofaune boréale

Collegial center of expertise in nordic fur

Cégep de St-Félicien

Ecofaune banniere

Écofaune Boréale intends to devote itself to carrying out applied research combining technological development, technical assistance, knowledge transfer, and dissemination of information, as well as the acquisition of innovative social practices allowing all actors involved in developing Northern Fur and its value chain to reposition economically in relation to the reality of the global fur, leather, and leather products market. Moreover, Écofaune Boréale ensures it takes all necessary action to comply with eco-friendly and sustainable development requirements and to follow First Nations and Inuit practices.

Our areas of intervention focus on the enhanced valorization of northern fur and all animal by-products.

  • Biology
  • Ecology and biodiversity
  • Social innovation
  • Sustainable development
  • Territorial development

  • Eliminate the use of chemicals for semi-industrial or industrial tanning. Increase productivity through the introduction of new technology.
  • Implement mini-research and processing labs in remote Aboriginal communities to revitalize ancestral activity and develop financial self-reliance.
  • Transform residual materials, such as fats or oils, into consumer products or to be used in processing methods.

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